viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Les "Dones Desesperades"

Bree Van de Kamp

Bree és una dona burgesa totalment republicana. Creu en els valors morals i en la institució de la família. És de religió presbiteriana, una branca del protestantisme basada en les ensenyances estrictes de la bíblia, i amant de la perfecció. Des del primer capítol se’ns mostren totes aquestes característiques amb la presentació que ens fa la narradora:

[Al funeral de Mary Alice]

NARRATOR: Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her cooking. And for making her own clothes. And for doing her own gardening. And for reupholstering her own furniture. Yes, Bree’s many talents were known throughout the neighborhood. And everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family.

Lynette Scavo

Lynette era una empresària d’èxit en el sector de la publicitat que deixa la seva gran carrera professional per dedicar-se a criar els seus quatre fills. Però s’adona que aquests l’estressen més que la seva antiga feina, cosa que farà perillar el seu matrimoni amb Tom (tot el més sòlid de la sèrie).

Al primer capítol, la narradora ens presenta Lynette d’aquesta manera:

[Al funeral de Mary Alice]

NARRATOR: Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. Of course, she didn’t cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder. She didn’t have the time. But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea. “Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay at home mums; it was so much less stressful”. But this was not the case.

Gabrielle Solís

Gabrielle és una ex-model presumida, egocèntrica i egoista que enganya al marit amb el seu jardiner de disset anys (John). Ella argumenta aquesta situació dient que se sent sola ja que, Carlos (el marit), es passa el dia treballant i pretén compensar-la comprant-li coses cares.

La narradora la descriu de la manera següent:

[Al funeral de Mary Alice]

NARRATOR: Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella. Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes. But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal. Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.

Susan Meyer

Susan és una dona separada amb una filla adolescent que sol ser més madura que ella. És exageradament matussera i sempre la veiem ficada en situacions ridícules i vergonyoses. El seu marit la va enganyar amb la secretària del seu despatx i mai es va demanar-li perdò.
Al funeral de Mary Alice coneix la seva pròxima relació “estable”: Mike Delfino.
Durant la primera temporada no deixarà d’intentar descobrir la raó per la qual la seva veïna i amiga es va suïcidar.Per això, al final de la temporada es trobarà en una situació molt perillosa: Zachary Young la segresta.

La presentació que fa la narradora al primer capítol, ja ens mostra aquestes característiques:

NARRATOR: Susan Meyer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their new house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl’s shirt. She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary. A year had passed since the divorce. Susan was starting to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking.

Eddie Britt

Eddie és una dona atractiva i adinerada. No té amigues perquè li agraden massa els homes, és una depredadora nata. Tot i això s’acaba introduint a les partides de poker de les veïnes, i esdevé una de les protagonistes encara que mai arribarà a guanyar-se del tot la seva confiança i amistat, perquè sempre acaba conquistant els seus homes.

Així trobem que la narradora també ens descriu Eddie ja al primer capítol. Ho fa de la manera següent:

NARRATOR: Susan knew she was lucky. An eligible bachelor had moved onto Wisteria Lane, and she was the first to find out. But she also knew that good news travels quickly.

EDIE: Hello there!

NARRATOR: (slow motion shot of Edie jogging towards MIKE and SUSAN) Edie Britt was the most predatory divorcee in a 5 block radius. Her conquests were numerous… (Flashback to:

EDIE and a workman in her living room. She grabs him, as his toolbox drops on the ground with a crash.)

NARRATOR: …varied…
(Cut to: a tennis coach standing behind EDIE in her living room, helping her swing a tennis racquet with her right hand. She turns and kisses him, pushing him onto her couch.)

NARRATOR: …and legendary.
(Cut to: EDIE, sitting on her couch. She looks up at a priest, and pulls him down on top of her. He yells, his Bible dropping onto the ground.) (End of flashback. Resume to present.) (EDIE walks up to the porch, pushing her sunglasses onto her head.)

EDIE: Hi Susan, I hope I’m not interrupting. You must be Mike Delfino. Hi, I’m Edie. Britt. I live over there (points). Welcome to Wisteria Lane. (SUSAN shifts uncomfortably.)

NARRATOR: Susan had met the enemy, and she was a slut.

Video: es tracta d'un fragment del primer capítol de la primera temporada (01x01 "Pilot"), en el que la narradora ens presenta les protagonistes.

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